[Qoo News] Dragon Quest XI Reveals New Game System Information



The Official Japanese Website of Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time has just been updated with new information on the game’s system! The update introduces the Skill Panel feature and the Fukkatsu no Jumon (ふっかつのじゅもん ENG: Spell of Ressurection / Restoration) feature.

The Skill Panel shows the skill trees for the different characters in the player’s party. Through leveling up, characters will gain Skill Points which can be used to increase stats and learn special skills.

Dragon Quest XI Skill Panel

Following the preview of the different skill trees, the website has also revealed screenshots of a variety of different skills.

Dragon Quest XI Skill Screenshots

Dragon Quest XI Skills

Dragon Quest XI Skills

Fukkatsu no Jumon is a feature which allows players to continue their adventure at approximately the same progress via a code which can be used in the adventure log. The player’s name, level, story progress, and possessions will roughly be saved. Players will be able to use the code to transfer their data between different platform (PS4/3DS).

Dragon Quest XI Fukkatsu no Jumon

Dragon Quest XI Fukkatsu no Jumon

Dragon Quest XI: In Seach of Departed Time is due out 29th July in Japan for PS4 and 3DS.