Pokelabo announced a collaboration between the Symphogear XD Unlimited mobile game and the Yuki Yuna is a Hero anime series from August 31 to September 30. The collaboration event, “Bloom with Valor, A Six-Part Song,” includes an event quest with an original story and a collection event with luxurious rewards.
▍Symphogear XD Unlimited x Yuki Yuna is a Hero Collab Gacha
There will be four types of gacha in this collab: Two of them are Event Gachas with varying rate-ups, another one will be a Special Gacha where all units are guaranteed to be 5-stars, and the last one is a free gacha.
Both Event Gacha 1 and Gacha 2 will have the same 5★ Memoria Card [Hero Fist] card. Here’s a list of cards you can get:
■ 5★ [Cherry Blossom Shattering Wave] Hibiki Tachibana
■ 5★ Memoria Card [Hero Fist]
■ 5★ [SLITS RHODODENDRON] Chris Yukine
▍Symphogear XD Unlimited x Yuki Yuna is a Hero Free Gacha
Available from August 31, 17:00 to September 6, 16:59 [JPT], a free gacha is now available! You can pull from it 11 items per day, with the last card guaranteed to be a ★5! The new collab cards are also available in the lineup, so try your luck!
▍Symphogear XD Unlimited x Yuki Yuna is a Hero ALL ★5 Cards Gacha
Once per day, you can spend 100 Singing Stones to pull 11 times in this gacha. Every single unit you obtain is guaranteed to be a ★5!
▍Symphogear XD Unlimited x Yuki Yuna is a Hero Event
In the event quest, players can obtain Udon as a drop reward. Collected Udons can be exchanged at the store for the ★5 [Hibiscus Jade] Hibiki Tachibana card and a copy of the ★5 Memoria Card [Hero’s Fist]!
■ ★5 [Hibiscus Jade] Hibiki Tachibana
▍Symphogear XD Unlimited x Yuki Yuna is a Hero Collab Login Bonus
A 10-day login bonus will be held when the collaboration begins. Players can get the following items by logging in every day:
Day 1: Singing Stone x 30
Day 2: Gacha Ticket x 3
Day 3: ☆5 All-Purpose Strengthening Materials x 15
Day 4: Gold x 5 000 000
Day 5: EP Recovery x 20
Day 6: Random Skill Ticket x 3
Day 7: AP Recovery x 15
Day 8: Awakening Stone x 3
Day 9: Sure-fire Kill Scroll x 20
Day 10: Singing Stone x 20