[Qoo Anime] Are Yuri!!! on ICE characters based off real skaters?



Every fan girls and boys will cry tears of joy if the drop-dead gorgeous, playboy-ish, talented Viktor Nikiforov is based off a real skater who shares the same look and skills.

Unfortunately, it seems like there isn’t a person like that.

In fact, many fans have come up with theories of who is who since the production team has not confirmed any references from real life characters. Mr. Qoo personally has heard about how Yuri is actually an anime version of young Japanese skater Yuzuru Hanyu. Some other theories sound quite legit as well, but still, none of them had made fans go “woah that’s really him” – not until American skater Ashley Wagner found herself in the show one day.

Russian skater Mila Babicheva does not share the same background with Wagner, but they share the same great skills in figure skating and the resemblance is real! Even Wagner herself was convinced Mila could actually be her. Who do you think is one of the real life Yuri!!! on ICE skaters? Let Mr. Qoo know if you have any ideas!

A photo posted by Ashley Wagner (@ashwagner2010) on

▲Ashley Wagner


▲Mila Babicheva

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