Capcom has just announced its lineup of games it will be featuring at Tokyo Game Show 2023, with multiple playable titles at the venue, and a special program on September 21.
The company will be featuring Street Fighter 6, Resident Evil 4 VR Mode, Monster Hunter Now, Exoprimal, Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy, and a special collaboration with Tokyo Marui and the Resident Evil series where there will be a collab shooting range.
Capcom is also holding an Online Special Program on September 21, 23:00 to 23:50 [JST] as part of Tokyo Game Show Online with hopefully more details on the company’s upcoming projects.
Capcom has also opened a special online store for a limited time from August 17 to September 28 to celebrate its attendance at TGS 2023, with several goods, apparel, and more being available right now.
▍Capcom Games Lineup
Resident Evil 4 VR Mode
The VR port of Capcom’s latest Remake of Resident Evil 4, supported by PlayStation VR2. This VR port was teased earlier in the year in May, and is currently still in development with no release date. Players will get to explore RE4 remake from a new perspective in Leon’s actual point of view, using a gun to fire at enemies and a his knife to parry attacks with realistic motions.
The Resident Evil 4 VR port will be available as Free DLC to PlayStation 5 players who own the base game.

Ace Attorney Trilogy
Announced in June 2023, The Apollo Justice Ace Attorney Collection will contain the 2nd trilogy of games from the Ace Attorney series, including Apollo’s solo title Apollo Justice Ace Attorney, Phoenix Wright Dual Destinies, and Phoenix Wright Spirit of Justice.
More: Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy Coming to PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC in 2024

Street Fighter 6
The latest in Capcom’s long-running fighting game franchise, Street Fighter 6 was released on June 2, 2023, and continues to be played by thousands of fighting game fans, new and old with a refined combat system, it’s world tour mode which is perfect for those looking for a new experience with fighting games, and hip-hop aesthetic.
Street Fighter 6 may be showing off more details of its latest character A.K.I. as she recently made a debut at Evo with her teaser trailer.
More: Street Fighter 6 Unveils A.K.I Character Teaser and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Collab on August 8

Capcom’s latest stab at an online-service PvP/PvE Game, Exoprimal was released on July 14 as a 5v5 game where players have to battle against Dinosaurs through multiple objectives, racing to the finish line before the opposing team. The last level of each match may include a PvP section where players can fight each other while completing the objective, or be solely focused on facing off against each other.
Exoprimal may be releasing some more details of its upcoming 2nd Seaosn, which includes a new map, rigs, modules, final mission, and the Street Fighter 6 collab.
More: Exoprimal Unveils Post-Launch Roadmap, Seasons, Exosuit Variants, Monster Hunter Collab and More

Monster Hunter Now
Niantic’s latest take on Augmented Reality games, Monster Hunter Now can be best described as Pokemon Go, but with Monster Hunter, as players can explore their local towns, cities, parks, and more to hunt down classic monsters from the series, facing off against them alone or with strangers with classic combat from the series, and the vistas of the real world.
Monster Hunter Now is slated for release on September 14, shortly before TGS, and it may be making a few announcements or details of upcoming content during TGS 2023.
More: Niantic’s Monster Hunter Now Gets Release Date on September 14