[Qoo News] Fire Emblem Heroes Alm and Celica Bond Hero Battle Returns


Bond Hero Battle returns to Fire Emblem Heroes’ Special Maps featuring Celica and Alm.

Fire Emblem Heroes Alm and Celica Bond Hero Battle Returns

The Bond Hero Battle will be available until 9th November and will include special quests that players can challenge. In Fire Emblem Heroes’ tweet, players will be able to earn more reward by using Alfonse and Sharena.

About Fire Emblem Heroes

Fire Emblem Heroes is turn-based tactical RPG in which players play the role of a summoner who summons iconic heroes from the many Fire Emblem titles. Battles take place in an 8×6 tile map and players will have to put their heroes attributes and abilities as well as the terrain of the map into consideration in order to gain victory.

Official Site

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