Bandai Namco’s new One Piece 4vs4 Arena PvP game, One Piece Bounty Rush is now in Open Beta until 22nd December. Beta participants will be able to play from 15:00 – 19:00 HKT (GMT+8) daily during the beta period.
Basic Controls
1. Character Info
Current Character icon, name, level, and HP bar. Level can be raised by killing minions.
2. Map
Enemies are presented as red dots, the size of the dot varies depending on the enemy type. Small dots are used for minions and big dots are used to represent opposing team’s characters (players).
3. Current Character
The current beta will have 12 playable characters for players to try. Upon death, players will be swapped into another character and the player’s name will appear above the character. The number of bellies (gold) the player has collected will also be shown.
4. Camera
Used to change the camera angle.
5. Skills
Tapping on the skill icon will activate the skill. Attacking enemy characters will fill up the skill bar much faster.
▍Co-op Battle
After the tutorial, players will be sent back to the main page. During the beta, players will have access to two buttons, “Crew” (blue button) and “Battle” (red button). In the Crew button, players will be able to choose two of the 12 characters in their team. Afterwards, they can queue for battle.
In terms of combat, each player has two characters and each team will have two players, meaning each game will have a total of 4 players and 8 characters. Both teams will compete for five minutes, the team with the most bellies will win.
▍Key to Victory!
The goal of each game is to collect more bellies than the opposing team. In the Alabasta desert map, the only map available during the beta, Shooter characters will have access to the cannons in their base. These cannons will be a valuable defense against enemy attacks on player’s treasure chests.
Additionally, as the battle goes on, special bosses will spawn. Defeating these bosses will reward players with massive amounts of bellies. It is crucial that players store their collected bellies in Bank (Treasure Chest) in the base. The key of each round is to balance between attacking enemies to collect bellies and defending the Bank to ensure that your team has more bellies at the end of the round than the opposing team. If you see the notification “Bank Under Attack”, be sure to go back and defend your bank, or else your enemies will be able to steal all your team’s bellies.
Additionally, players can destroy containers throughout the map to gain useful buffs to give you an extra edge over your enemies. All-in-all, the key to victory is to not be blinded by getting kills, but focus on gathering bellies and defending the bank!
▍Beta Details
The Beta will last for five days (18th – 22nd December 2017), but players will only be able to play during 15:00 – 19:00 HKT (GMT+8) each day. Each round will last for approximately five minutes. During the beta, players will be able to choose between the 12 characters shown below.