[Qoo News] FGO reveals date and details of final battle Salomon


Fate/Grand Order has revealed a limited edition servant Merlin(マーリン)and other details of the coming final battle, Salomon(終局特異点 冠位時間神殿 ソロモン).

Starting time of Salomon
18:00 (approximate) on 22 December, 2016 (Japan time)

Participation requirement
Clearing Babylonia(第七特異點)

Seiatsu-sen details
Seiatsu-sen(制圧戦)occurs from time to time during the period of the final battle. As the final arc proceeds, there will be battles against Demon Gods. They will spawn continuously, therefore Masters have to take part in the battle together in order to do more damage.

Missing Seiatsu-sen does not affect the main story and side stories.

Some Demon Gods in Seiatsu-sen will aid other Demon Gods in attacking. It is best to neutralise them first.


Salomon Pick Up Summons(ソロモンピックアップ召喚)
18:00 (approximate) on 22 December, 2016 – 22:59 on 31 December, 2016 (Japan time)


Limited edition servant Merlin will be available for summons only during the period mentioned above.

Those who haven’t reached Salomon will still be able to summon Merlin.


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