Azur Lane (アズールレーン) is in desperate need of your help.
This big game in Japan is looking for a permanent, collective nickname to call its fleet girls. The reason behind is simple – the game was recently on the verge of being sued by DMM.
Apparently, Yostar’s mobile game Azur Lane and DMM’s browser game Kantai Collection (KanColle) have been rivals in the genre of fleet girls for a while. The competition was never taken to the surface. They had never dissed each other. They had never interacted with each other. Yet, a word has caused DMM to break the silence.
Top: KanColle; Bottom: Azur Lane
On 31st May, DMM issued a public warning to a specified company whom they called “that company”. The letter says “that company” uses the term “Kan Musu (艦娘)” to call its game’s characters in promotion activities and notices, while in fact “Kan Musu” is a registered term created and owned by DMM. The letter does not mention legal actions and the like, but it is safe to say such actions are expected if “that company” refuses to apologize and abandon the term.
KanColle uses “Kan Musu” in many occasions, including the cover of this official art book.
Well, obviously, “that company” is Yostar, and the game involved is Azur Lane.
Let’s leave the “which one is better” argument aside. Azur Lane did copy KanColle and has zero excuse for this one – which is why Yostar immediately wrote a press release to admit everything, say sorry, and even listed all occasions of infringement.
An Azur Lane’s promotional stream that involves the use of “Kan Musu”.
We can no longer refer to the Azur Lane’s girls as “Kan Musu”. So, what now?
Now, as mentioned at the very beginning, it needs all fans’ help in making up a permanent nickname for the girls.
Azur Lane’s “naming” campaign on Twitter
Have some good ideas? Then you may be the superhero who will save Azur Lane! Simply write your answer as a reply to the tweet below, and a good name will be born very soon.
何卒宜しくお願いします…#アズールレーン— アズールレーン公式 (@azurlane_staff) June 3, 2018
▍Japanese Netizens’ Replies
“Senkan Hime”
“How about Nereid (goddess of the sea) – the enemy of Seiren (monster of the sea)?”
“Strategic Human race Important Partner (戦略的な人類の重要なパートナー)、通称SHIP(シップ)とかどうでしょうか…。 パートナーというのは戦う上の相棒とも嫁とも表現できます。”
“How about SHIP, the short form for Strategic Human race Important Partner? This term stresses on partnership with humans as in wars, marriage, and friendship.”
• Japanese Otaku war: Kantai Collection vs Azur Lane