[Qoo News] “Honkai Impact 3rd” Gamer Arrested for Attempting to Assault miHoYo’s Founders


A recent online news that a “Honkai Impact 3rd” gamer broke into the miHoYo campus with a knife in an attempt to assault the two founders, following controversy over the game’s 3rd anniversary event.


According to the Chinese local media, the police have yet to officially announce the incident on April 24 to the public, and all current information regarding the incident comes from online sources familiar with the area’s reports.

The attacker reportedly threatened the company that he would stab miHoYo’s founders with a knife before killing himself, however he was arrested on the spot when he reached the campus. Tragedy was prevented before it happened, and no one appears to have been hurt.

The incident follows the recent controversial “Honkai impact 3rd” anniversary event in oversea servers, which featured the game’s characters dressing in Bunny Girl outfits dancing to a song in a promotional video. Many gamers criticized that the bunny girl designs and dance moves in the video were out of character and inappropriate.


miHoYo apologized and removed the bunny girl event on April 22. It later made an official announcement on Twitter which promised to safeguard the quality of content with higher standards to ensure this kind of issues never occur again.

In reply to miHoYo and in the comment sections of the announcement, users of the overseas servers accused miHoYo of bowing down to Chinese censorship laws (as they had done in the game’s Chinese servers, with less revealing costumes), or outcry from social media.

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